
After a thirty-four years working in Art education, including thirteen years as Head of Art at Stowe, I now work from my studio in Oxfordshire, where I am re-establishing my own practice and identity as a painter.

The essence of my work examines the visual relationship between my experience of the natural world and abstraction. I expressively engage with light, atmosphere and colour whilst exploiting the physical nature of paint, analysing the tension between underlying geometry and dissolution, figure and ground, symmetry and asymmetry.

My recent work explores joyous and emotive colour relationships and their musical qualities, whilst using the painterly process to achieve balance and unity. Layers of pentimenti reveal the revisions of colour, texture and structure, inviting the viewer to form an intimate relationship with the painting. 


Foundation Course: Gloucestershire College of Art and Design, Cheltenham. 1973-74

BA Hons, Fine Art Painting- St Martins School of Art, London. 1974-77

PGCE Art and Design. University of Bristol 1982-1983


For studio visits, exhibition enquires, or original work please contact: brian@brianjohnson.studio